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Ashley Johnson

I have always loved this movie, I just wish they would have put more of Dumbledore and Harry exploring the memories about Voldermort. SO many things were left out like the back story of Voldermort's mother (explaining why he hated muggles so much) as well as his fascination with historical Hogwarts artifacts. I feel like they could have just added 20-30 minutes and everything would have been explained better.

AshLand Writer

You have to remember that when Harry and Ron first saw Hagrid’s spider, they were children. Their smaller size would make him look bigger. Also, victims of attacks tend to remember the attacker being taller than they actually are, due to the fear. If nothing else, the size of the spider in the first movie could have just been the imagination of two scared kids. If you want a real plot hole, look act the actress’s eye color when they do flashbacks of Harry’s mother.