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Just look at how much Harry Potter is starting to really take over everything in your videos XD


Well number 2 wasn't really that much criticized. It was always a very well regarded block buster, also it is the best of the franchize. On the corniness and goofyness: Well yeah, but that is the point. It is a self-conscious super-hero movie that dares to be a super hero movie. It does not takes itself too seriously and allows itself to be silly and fun. Also despite this it has pretty good drama and some adultish themes here and there. Thats why I regard this and Burtons Batman the best super hero films. The problem with newer super hero films that they are usually not that self-conscious. They try to make them "realistic" and "serious" while guys wearing costumes and what not. That same unfortunate change happened with James Bond, which went from a fun agent adventure fantasy to something like a "realistic" spy drama, while Bond using silly gadgets and what not. The movie which was actually criticized is Spider-man nr. 3. The problem with that movie is that the director and the studio had very different ideas and expectations about the movie during the production. So the end result was basicly half what the director originally wanted, and the other half was what the studio shoehorned into it. So while 1 and 2 are amazing superhero movies, nr 3 is a mixed bag. But that is something that you has to experiance yourself.