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Suraj Reddy

He didn't kill the twins. They are shown in the final scene when all of his goons come. He doesn't kill anyone unless needed to, like when he killed all his rivals in the climax He also didn't mean to kill the boys, but just bring all his goons to cut friendship with them. But, when he got to know that they tried to sell him out, he got angry So he has bouts of anger but I don't think he would really end up killing people if they apologize to him. The Boys apologized, the karate brothers apologized to him.

Prince Joseph

Ranga killed his brother (not real brother, a relative but he considered him as his real brother), because the brother fooled him lot of times and also tried to kill Ranga using other people. When Ranga came to know of the murder attempt, he called his brother and had a sword in his hand. But even at this point, I think Ranga was going to say he doesn’t want to see his brother again and if the brother tries anything again to so, he will kill him with that sword (he sort of just wanted to warn him). But when Ranga’s brother took out the knife to kill Ranga, he was devastated . That is why he was crying behind his back and as soon as his brother came forward to kill him from back with his knife, Ranga probably would have turned around and killed him violently. That is my theory from the scene from 58:25 to 59:30 in this video