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Hey guys! Just wanted to make this quick, small announcement. 

Lately I have been extremely burnt out with designing, so I have decided to take all of December off of scheduled minis. 

Does that mean there will be 0 minis on patreon? no! I will simply do them when I need to do them or feel like doing them! I still plan to have a mini batch FOR the server before the new year. 

I plan do some big adopts with autobuys [200-300] and probably just minis spread out if I need funds. 

I am giving myself this break to also focus on owed work, I currently have 2 customs I need to finish and I may be taking on 2 more in December. 

I also would like to add that I am planning to do YCHs in the new year and it will be a new monthly thing I will be adding to my patreon <3 I will also have a system that depending on how many months you have been on my patreon, you get a % off of the YCHs  [example : Starting at 3 month long patrons, you get 20% off. If you are 5 months+ you get 50% off!] my YCHs here will be patron exclusive and will be a mix of SFW and NSFW depending on the tier.] 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me this year, it was my first year as a full time artist and I cant be believe I lasted the whole year with barely any struggles! <3 big thank you to everyone who has bought an adopt or/and subscribed to my patreon, it means the world to me you have no idea!! <3 I cant wait for next year! 



I’m so excited for those YCHs Omg!!!