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Heya everyone New, Old, Whatever.

As you may have noticed, I didn't do a poll this month. I had a specific theme in mind (reindeer), so I went for it. Was really fun, so I might not do polls every month from now on.

Back in October, I said in my main Art post that I was unsure where I was going with all this Patreon stuff. I'm not sure where it will end up, but for now at least I've decided on a few things. 

  • More Frequent Art posts, but smaller simpler things, stuff with my characters, etc.
  • Less Big Huge Renders. They are just a pain in the ass. I know I built the Patreon off those (I tell myself that at least), but it's not my interest anymore. At least until I devote some time to make them not terrible looking.
  • LESS POLLS, but each one is smaller in scope, less involved stuff. Like more character creators, but maybe just scenes OR the ref. Some poll may just be Fandom Characters (Krystal, Judy, Flavor of the Month). Just whatever I want. I might be able to do them more frequently this way.

MAIN GOAL: Have more Fun doing this stuff. I'm tired of worrying about "Am I good enough?" "Will people like this?"  "Shit I gotta plan all this stuff!"

This will be an awkward transitional period, but hopefully numerous drawings of big booba will tide everyone over.


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