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Here we are!  Finally! Only a week late!

For this month, I only used a species/profession for the prompt, and designed a character from that, with various body types. I tried to do to different extremes for each character, while including a more average design for comparison. 

Anyways, Classification and Ordering has always been interesting to me, as well as re-imaging characters in different settings, aesthetics, or (the topic of this poll) BODY TYPES.

Now I will ramble:
Body type can describe a specific set of body proportions and shapes, as a short hand to quickly describe a character's shape and features without having to individually describe each feature. This can range from the vague to the specific. 

For example, Bottom-Heavy would describe a character who has a lot of mass in their lower body - legs, hips, thighs, butt, and calves. It doesn't describe if this is fat, muscles, frame, or if this is localized in only one areas, such as the booty or thighs.  A term like Thunder-Thighs means specifically large thighs, usually fat thighs on a chubby character.

The way I view a lot of these terms is as first-order descriptor, i.e. they are the point of the character's design. They are specialized. A Thunder-Thighs character is going to mostly just have huge thighs, and other features, such as breasts, butts (dicks?) are going to be reduced accordingly to sell that character as is. However, these terms don't exclude all other descriptive factors, as a Thunder-Thighs character can still be short to tall, fat to skinny, muscular to stringy. Obviously, turning some of these dials can put the character into an entirely different body type. Too short and it's just a Shortstack. Too chubby/fat and it might as well just be a Bottom-Heavy character. Give them too much booby and they are Hourglass.

Here's some descriptions of the body types here:

Classic Amazon - While being Tall and Muscular are the most important aspects of this body type, too often I see these characters pack on too much Bust/Booty. Or just go overboard on the muscle aspect and start to creep into Hyper Territory. This is about moderation, and I think a classic amazon needs a certain lean-athletic look. And a height limit of 7 ft.

Amazon Prime - But of course I've got to account for other people's tastes. Amazon Prime is a more muscular and taller amazon, at an affordable price! A height of 8-9 ft. Breasts/Butts are still reduced, maybe to the point of being flat. Having a slight hourglass figure is still necessary. 

HugeStack - This is essentially Gloria's body type. At least 8 ft in height. A proportionally small torso compared to the substantial lower body, with a clear hourglass waist. This is usually hidden from the front by an extremely large bust, down to at least the navel when unsupported. Somewhat chubby, with some muscle just for shape and limited definition. Limbs are thick. The majority of the mass would be in the lower body, with the legs actually being exaggerated in length.  

Beanpole - Literally just tall and thin. Limbs/neck are somewhat exaggerated. 

Hourglass - Like you think, it's just a large butt, tiny waist, and wide hips. Specifically, the mass needs to be around the hips, and not stay too much on the thighs. There are limits to the height and overall size of the assets.

Shortstack - I'm not decided here, but think of an hourglass shape that is only compressed on the y axis. Perhaps no more than 4 ft in height.

These are just my own subjective thoughts, so don't take it too seriously if your opinion differs. 



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