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Merry March Y'all.

A Lot of Things:

-This is the last month that patrons in the BronzeMOJO Tier will earn "MOJOTokens" as part of the Rewards program. This means that from opening the patron in September, people have been able to earn up to 7 points (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar) that can be cashed in for art. I have records for all points earned and spent.

-In order to clear out people's stockpiles (most people have 3+ pts), I'm letting people do multiple char pictures and the same rate of each additional character (i.e. 1 pt for a additional character in a sketch, 2 pts for lines+flats, etc). Also, if there's something we can work out to spend your points at once, I'm open to that. 

-Currently, March is pretty much filled up work-wise, so anyone looking to cash in is going to have to wait to April (baring the patrons I've already talked to as of this post - you're getting your reward in March). I'm not hunting people down to let them claim their rewards, so after 6 months, I assuming you are no longer interested.

-I may reopen this system at a later date (minimum 6 months from now), under refined rules. No points from this system will be valid under that system.

-I can't kick people out of a tier, so the BronzeMojo Tier is being renamed the "I Love MOJO" tier and is strictly for people who want to give me too much money every month for basically nothing. That means that if you stay in that tier, you ain't earning any more points and I'm not refunding any pledges to that tier if you stay in.

-Starting in April, I'm upping the amount of polls I do to 2 a month, dropping the video series idea due to lack of interest. I may still do videos on my own time, but no longer once a month. Anyways, one poll may be a smaller, quicker thing, with the other being the more formal large piece, or both may be a little simpler than usual. Perhaps more user engagement will jump start Patreon growth.

Please let me know any feedback you have, ideas, concerns, anything. Thanks for the support guise.


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