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Hey guys! So this is something we've wanted to do for a while now. It's no secret that Night Sovereign is our favorite Toonman villain, and as we said before he is set to be Toonman's Archenemy throughout his career as a superhero. But sadly, our audience reaction to Night Sovereign hasn't always been as responsive as we had hope. So we really wanted to do something to showcase just how dangerous someone like Night Sovereign is in a human world setting, and why we consider him Toonman's true archnemesis.

The big thing with Night Sovereign is that he is everything an archenemy is suppose to be to a hero like Toonman- he's his dark, mirrored reflection; the one enemy who represents everything Toonman is not. Toonman and Night Sovereign come from similar origins- they were created within the same family, Toonman by Marty Mason's Grandfather and Night Sovereign by Marty Mason himself; and ultimately both cartoons were left in cartoon limbo. The thing is, Toonman has never lost his sense of purpose as a cartoon character, and still wishes to bring joy to others, be it as a cartoon character and a superhero. 

With Night Sovereign, it's more complicated. He actually did get used in animation for the Solman cartoon series, and even managed to gain a cult following. But while Marty always had bigger ideas for Night Sovereign, the producers of the show forced him to make Night Sovereign just another throw away character in favor of other villains. This has always left Night Sovereign with a sense of betray by his human creators, feeling they had robbed him as his purpose to become the next great villain in animation. This betrayal led to an eternal hatred of humans, one he recognizes in other cartoons who have "suffered" at the greedy, manipulative hands of their human creators. So while Toonman can never hate humans because they gave hime life and he feels his purpose is to bring them joy, Night Sovereign rues humans as he considers himself and other cartoons nothing but puppeteer slaves to humans.

The other big thing with Night Sovereign is his stance on death. Where as Toonman has an horrifying fear of deal and a strict no-killing rule, Night Sovereign worships and thrives on constant death and carnage. This is because when he first came to the human world to reclaim his purpose as a villain he originally wanted to enslave the humans, and conducted a crazy scheme with a doomsday device to subjugate them. But due to the effects of cartoon logic in the real world, his plan only ended up with causing a large amount of destruction and death, labeling Night Sovereign a mass murder. But ultimately it sparked something in Night Sovereign, a vision that the only people history remembers as the greatest, most evil villains are the mass murderers- Jack the Ripper, Sadam, Vlad the Impaler, Adolf Hitler. Since then, Night Sovereign has embraced murder and death as his purpose, and everything scheme he formulates is to murder as many humans as possible.

So that's what we wanted to showcase with this image. Night Sovereign has situated himself on a thorn built on and surrounded by death as far as the eye can see. If this doesn't showcase how evil he is, I don't know what will.

Anyway, we hope you enjoyed this little image and summary of what makes Nigth Sovereign such a great Toonman villain. Let us know with a comment below.

Toonman: The Animated Ace © NRG Comics

Art by DonPapi



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