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Hey Guys! Got a brand new Zener villain to warm you up during the winter! This here is replica, a shapeshifter obsessed with Zener and making him her own.

Gwendolyn Rogers came from a troubled household where she was raised by a single mother who struggled with drug use. An intelligent girl, Gwen was on track for a scholarship and a path out of her situation, but she fell in with the wrong crowd and dropped out of school becoming a junkie like her mother before her. She moved into a drug house and might well have lived out the rest of a short life there had she not been kidnapped by the Think Tank to be used as a human guinea pig. She was given shape-shifting powers based on studies the Think Tank had done on another of their test subjects Samia Amani, also known as Centerfold. The process of giving her these powers cured her addictions, and she was left directionless as she no longer has the desire to do drugs but also had no other plans for her life. It was at this time, for better or worse, that she became aware of Zener and became fixated on the superhero. Her fixation quickly became obsession, and she made her way to Indigo Valley with the plan to seduce Zener and make him her own. Gwen does not intend to take no for an answer, and she is determined to have relationship with Zener, even if she has to become him herself in order to do it.

Hope you like this new character! Let us know with a comment below.

Zener: Master of the Mind © NRG Comics

Art by Danilo Cassonato




Interesting villain.

Matt Gemm

Just out of curiosity how many of Zener’s villains lust after him?


I guess we have introduced a few, haven't we? ^^' But this is really the only one whose motives truly revolve around lusting after Zener. The others have different goals to focus on him.