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Hey Patrons! If you've been following Zener since Issue 0, then you'll recognize this cool character finally getting the Danilo treatment- Diego Reyes aka Psybernetic!!


Diego Reyes was just a normal teenager living in Indigo Valley. He had decent grades, a stable family life, and an adoring girlfriend named Sasha. Everything seemed to be going his way until one day when he was caught in a disaster while walking Sasha home from a movie date. A fight broke out in the city between a monstrous creature named Kimera and a strange new hero that nobody had seen before named Zener. Walls, windows and cars were smashed by the combatants, and Diego was caught right in the middle of it and separated from Sasha. As he desperately tried to reach her the destruction resulted in him falling from a building stairwell and fatally injuring himself. Sasha went missing in the incident and was presumed dead.

Diego would have died there, were it not for Salvatore arriving on the scene. Having heard of the battle and hoping to use this opportunity to kill Zener, Salvatore arrived too late to accomplish his goal. He nonetheless was able to sense in Diego the potential to be a kinesis user, and hoped to turn him into a weapon to help him defeat Zener. Because Diego’s body was broken beyond repair, Salvatore enlisted the help of Otto Robertson, also known as Automaton, an expert in prosthetic enhancements. Automaton built a new cyborg body for Diego, and installed a mind-control device to make him compliant. Salvatore then used the Fruit of Knowledge to unlock Diego’s true potential. He gained the ability to control machines and electricity, and with his new mechanical body he now had immense power at his disposal. He was given the name Psyborg.

Psyborg was deployed to hunt down and kill Zener. He first broke into an air force base, stealing several fighter jets and taking to the skies. Using these to threaten Indigo Valley, he forced Zener out into the open and then engaged him in battle. Initially Psyborg was winning the fight, but Zener managed to break the mind control device in his head. Psyborg thanked Zener for freeing him, but then attacked Zener again. Even though he was free, he still hated Zener for what had happened to him as well as for the loss of Sasha. It was only after one of his attacks damaged a building and he and Zener were forced to work together to save the people inside that Psyborg realized that his anger was causing him to become what he hated, an uncaring force of destruction. He and Zener exchanged apologies, and decided to work together to fight Salvatore and Automaton. Now they operate as friends, and Diego has begun to search for Sasha, believing that there is still some chance she may be alive.


  • Psyborg is able to use electromagnetic & technopathic abilities as well as his cyborg body for various purposes, including-
  • Technopathy: able to interface with machines and technology, understand how they work, rebuild, repair, and even upgrade the technology for better use. He can also enhance their functions with his mind, or cause them not to work.
  • Telekinesis: able to lift certain objects using electricity
  • Telepathy: can measure the electro brain waves of humans to learn what they are thinking
  • Illusion Casting: can project realistic holograms of images
  • Levitation: can levitate over long distance using electromagnetism.
  • Construct/Blast Generation: Can shoot pulse-beams of electric magnetism or create force fields.
  • Robotic Body offers enhanced speed, strength, stamina, durability, and self-repair.
  • Connected to the internet and all the information available there.

Hope you like seeing Diego in his superhero form! Let us know what you think with a comment below!

Zener: Master of the Mind © NRG Comics

Art by Danilo Cassonato
