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BIG NEWS!! We're building up the rogues for our other superheroes now, starting with Bloody Mary! So here's here first villain!

A former medical practitioner and surgeon who dedicated his life to removing the concept of pain from the human body, Threshold’s experiments grew increasingly dark and immoral to where his studies involved torturing his victims to death to further his studies. Now a mad scientist and semi-serial killer bent on continuing his research, Threshold performed crude experiments on his brain that made it so he doesn’t feel minor injuries any more, while extreme injuries and pain are ironically now pleasurable for him. This makes him a fearsome foe to Bloody Mary as he is able to fight harder, stronger and longer because he enjoys being injured; essentially turning his body into a living weapon. His experiments have also given him incredible healing abilities.

With out trying a lot of Bloody Mary's villain ideas have been based around the concept of fear. Which, makes sense because the whole theme of her character is the pros and cons of fear itself. In Threshold's case, he represents a fear of doctors and medical science. We've all had that concern when we're either in a doctor or dentist's office, being in their hands and having the worst case scenario being out of our control. Now imagine if that fear took form.

Big shoutout to our character artist Nico Quintas for designing Threshold! Terrifying, isn't he?

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this new character. Drop a comment below!

Bloody Mary: The Scream Queen © NRG Comics

Art & Design by Nico Quintas https://www.deviantart.com/nic011



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