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The time is now! Remember that special project we talked about concerning Toonman, Empress and Passion? Well, This is it! We're putting together a brand new superhero man featuring some of our most popular and fun characters- the Golden State Garrison, Protectors of Vaudeville, The West Coast and even the World at Times!!

The Golden State Garrison is a superhero team initiative put together by Empress to further her efforts of Redemption as Mother Nature's Guardian, as well as rebuild her life having lost everything - her company, her home, her city, and even her first love - in her earliest adventures. With the Aid of Toonman, who took Empress in after her life fell apart, they select 4 popular superheroes - Radioshark, Slamazon, Passion and Bloody Mary  - and create a superhero to protect Vaudeville and the West Coast from evil, and if the time calls for it the world. But Empress has her work cut out for her as trying to organize a group of random, crazy superheroes like these is a lot like herding cats. XD

So, yeah, GSG is set to be our premier superhero team, our Fantastic Four or our Justice League if you will. The Premise for the group is more akin to Justice League International, in that we have one very serious straightman superhero (Batman) trying to get organize a group or rather quirky and goofy heroes to work together (Everyone Else). The Lineup was a random idea that we really enjoyed and thought would make an awesome superheroes series- You have the Straightman (Empress) trying to organize a cartoon character (Toonman), a Kid pretending to be an adult (Slamazon), an overly excited Uber-Horror Nerd (Bloody Mary), an Islander constantly on vacation in his mind (Radioshark) and a lovesick ditzy (Passion). The Dynamics offered a lot of storytelling potential.

Of course, this doesn't mean the team will be plaid pure for jokes. The goal with the GSG is even though they are a PR Stunt by Empress that she is struggling to manage, the heroes of the GSG are still very much heroes who can work together and rise to the occasion to save the day when the time calls. Their premise is just more in line with our NRG branding- which is fun storytelling with serious/dark undertones. A good analogue is the 2003 Animated Teen Titans - the show and the team were a bunch of teenagers trying to work together under a straightman leader and get into all sorts of crazy adventures, BUT they still faced great hardships and defeated great evil that threaten the world.

Anyway, so that's the Golden State Garrison! We hope you enjoyed this preview of this new coming superhero team of NRG! If so let us know with a comment below!

Golden State Garrison © NRG Comics

Art by Richard Macrae https://www.deviantart.com/silverback1



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