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Next up for Slamazon's Archenemies is a case of never meeting your heroes- the towering Monumenta!!


While Alex Samson's father was her primary hero in life and in the wrestling ring, he wasn’t the only one. Having grown up amongst her father’s circle of wrestlers meant she had many iconic female fighters to look up to, but her favorite was Mackenzie Drake. Known to the wrestling world as ‘Monumenta’, Mackenzie earned her stage name for being so large and strong that she could take on heavyweight male wrestlers without fear of fatality. But while on the surface she appeared to be the kind of female wrestler Alex wanted to be, beneath the surface Mackenzie was a vain, arrogant and self-absorbed, only caring about building her celebrity status and name brand as much as she could. So much so that she secretly had been staging “accidents” against her competition in hopes of injuring them too much to fight or scaring them into quitting, securing herself as the go-to female wrestler for matches. In an ironic twist of fate it was Alex who exposed her scheme when she had been set to wrestle Monumenta, resulting in Mackenzie being fired and blacklisted from the profession, and leaving Alex disheartened about who her hero really was.

Swearing revenge on the wrestler who ruined her career and stole her spotlight, Mackenzie was approached by another one of Slamazon’s foes- Stonecold, who was looking for recruits for his superhuman tank team, Brute Force, and saw a golden recruit for his team in Mackenzie. He brought her to Ryker who used his psionic chamber to unlock Mackenzie’s metahuman abilities, granting her the ability to increase her stature and strength to towering, monumental heights. Taking her stage name as her villainous moniker, Monumenta has since become one of Slamazon’s biggest archenemies, termed to end the life of the woman, or rather child, who ruined her career; either as a member of Brute Force or by herself. Monumenta remains one of the shining hard lessons in Slamazon’s life about never meeting your heroes.


  • Size-Manipulation: able to increase her stature to towering heights (record 30 stories), and in doing so increasing her strength and durability.
  • Former Professional wrestler who has an edge over Slamazon in terms of years of wrestling and combat experience.
  • Member of Brute Force.

Let us know what you think of this new Slamazon Character with a comment below!

Slamazon: The Rowdy Roughhouse © NRG Comics

Art by the awesome Nico Quintas https://www.deviantart.com/nic011



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