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Hey Guys! NRG is hard at work developing characters and villains for Slamazon's coming series, and you guys are getting an exclusive first-look!

Naturally, we start with the heroine herself, whom we felt it was time we gave full origin to.


10 year old Alexandra “Alex” Samson was very much a tomboy who had many interests, her favorites being superheroes and professional wrestling, and in her father she had both. The daughter of Kurt Samson, a big name in professional wrestling under the name “Goliath”, Alex had grown up in her father’s world of wrestling and idolized her father, being something of a tomboyish daddy’s girl. Though under full custody of her mother, Alex was very much Kurt’s daughter and desired to be a hero and a wrestler like him someday. One day while on a field trip to the Vaudeville Museum of History and Culture, she got her wish.

Having snuck away from her class into an traveling exhibition on Ancient Greece, Alex found the legendary Girdle of the Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons from the famed 12 labors of Herakles, and mistaking it for a wrestling belt tried it on. Instantly, young Alex was transforming into an amazonian adult version of herself, one that had the strength of Herakles and the fighting skills of Queen Hippolyta. Alex ended up using these powers to save the museum and her classmates from agents of the Curator, who sought to obtain the girdle for his collection of magical artifacts. Hailed as a new superhero and managing to sneak the girdle away in the aftermath, Alex saw an opportunity to live out her dream as a hero and a wrestler. Refashioning the girdle into a wrestling costume, Alex created the identity of ‘The Slamazon’ and instantly made a name for herself in the wrestling world and superhero world. By far one of the youngest and one of the strongest superheroes in the NRGverse, Slamazon approaches the responsibilities of a superhero with the sense of wonderment found only in a child.


  • Girdle of Hippolyta channels the essence of the amazonian Queen Hippolyta and demigod Herakles transforming Alex into an adult, Amazonian powerhouse.
    • Able to summon the skills, wisdom and battle prowess of Queen Hippolyta, which she combines with her knowledge in professional wrestling.
    • Channels the strength of Herakles to become one of the strongest superheroes in the NRGverse
  • Tomboyish superhero who brings all of the flair and style of professional wrestling into her heroics.

Hope you guys liked getting the full profile for Slamazon! Let use know with a comment below!

Slamazon: The Rowdy Roughhouse © NRG Comics

Art by the awesome Nico Quintas https://www.deviantart.com/nic011



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