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Hey Guys! Got another Toonman villain for you! We'll be doing one more Toonman villain after this one before we start moving on to villains for our other characters, namely Slamazon. So get ready to meet Ryker's Reluctant Smuggler, Shortcut.


Nasira Hatem was a young girl who lived with her mother and little sister in the middle east, and like many they were under the threat of the taliban. Nasira dreamed of escaping and the possibility of a better life for her and her family, but more than anything she wanted to escape to explore the world and all the wonders held within it. One day, Nasira saw an outsider doing business with the Taliban, a man called Ryker, and she believed he held the key to her family’s escape. Her guess proved right as Ryker agreed to her plea if she agreed to work for him. After his business deals ended, Ryker took Nasira and her family with him back to the states, where she had Nasire made good on their deal by volunteering for his experiments. He used his psionic amplifier to bring forth Nasira’s subconscious wish in the form of sight-based teleportation through movement of her hands. After which, Ryker put Nasira to work.

Though she got her family a new life and now had the means to travel in her spare time, it soon became clear to Nasira that she had made a deal with a devil. Nasira, given the name Shortcut, became Ryker’s go-to agent for smuggling his weapons, soldiers, and resources for his operations. And she had become witness to the horrors behind his criminal work, from the victims of his many failed experiments to the dark fates of those who tried to cross him or escape his grasp; on top of bearing the weight of the guilt brought on by aiding him in his endeavors. As such, Nasira continues to work for Ryker not out of debt or loyalty like others, but because he genuinely fears him, especially when he made it clear he could take her powers away and send her family back to the Taliban.

However, when a certain Animated Ace begins making holes in Ryker’s operations, Nasira soon realizes that Ryker may not be invincible afterall, and sees Toonman as the key to her rescue.


  • Sight-Based Teleportation and Portal Generations- Shortcut is able to teleport via portals she generates through movement with her hands.
    • For her teleportation to work, however, she has to have been to said location before or she can teleport via her line of eyesight.
      • She can teleport somewhere she hasn't been before if she sees the destination in a photograph or live image, but usually she ends up in the location of eyepoint from where the photo/live image was taken (So, if she were to travel to Paris by seeing a distance shot of the Eiffel tower, her portal would teleport her to the very spot where the photographer had taken the image, so if could be blocks or miles away)
    • Able to use the portals as offensive and defensive combat weapons
  • Works begrudgingly as Ryker’s top smuggler and getaway woman.

Hope you guys like this new character! Let us know with a comment below!

Toonman: The Animated Ace © NRG Comics

Art and Design by Nic011 https://www.deviantart.com/nic011



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