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Hey Guys! We got a new character for you to enjoy! This here is another Urban Legend superhero set to be one of the best fighters in our universer- Necrofist!!


In life, Leshawna Clark’s parents had taught and raised her to fight back against a world that was constantly pushing against them. Though this gave her a chip on her shoulder that caused her to pick fights with peer-level opponents, Leshawna had learned to channel her frustrations into a budding career as a rising MMA fighter. Known for both her skill and ruthlessness, many predicted that Leshawna would become the next women's heavyweight champion. But before her title match against the reigning champion, Leshawna found herself approached with an offer to throw the fight in exchange for a handsome consolation prize. Leshawna refused and won the match easily, but found herself ambushed outside the arena afterwards, where she was murdered in retaliation for not throwing the fight.

Months later, rumors had been going around that a new Urban Legend calling herself “Necrofist” had sprung up within the streets of Vaudeville, one with an unmatched fighting skill who fought like the damned. The first to make contact with this new Urban Legend was Alex Samson the Slamazon during one of her first escapades with the supernatural, and the identity behind Necrofist was none other than… Leshawna? Or at least, what was left of her. Leshawna had explained that days after her assault she had awoken in the mortuary, but she wasn’t quite alive nor was she exactly dead. As far as she could tell, her soul was trapped in her undead body in a form of limbo she believed had been brought on as penance for her life of actively picking fights with others, and she had taken to the streets as an Urban Legend in hopes that fighting for those who couldn’t fight for themselves would eventually redeem her from his prison. While experts like Kayn or Governess could not prove such a claim, Necrofist was still taken in by the hero community and became a prominent ally amongst the Urban Legends of the West Coast.

Leshawna doesn’t know it, but her undead nature is the work of something evil at work. Something “primevil”, and she is discovering their are others like her out there…


  • Master of many forms of unarmed combat including boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, and mixed martial arts.
  • Undead, reanimated nature grants her numerous abilities, such as:No feelings of pain or anything, allowing her to fight harder and better than if she were alive.
    Enhanced strength comparable to 2 Heavyweight Champions, can break down certain barriers when pushed.
    Limited connection to the spiritual plane that allows her to see and fight beings ethereal in nature.
  • No more need for food, rest, or worry about fatigue.

Hope you guys like this new character! Let us know in the comments below!

Necrofist: Total Knock Out © NRG Comics

Art by Danilo Cassonato https://www.deviantart.com/bilcassonato



Ákos Kovács

And the heroes of horror continues! She is one of the more unique charaters! I like her new origin (and the artist did a good job too).

Nakison Previlon

I always loved Heros tied to the Supernatural world, this is great