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Update 8/4/2023: So, to make long story short, we've decided to revise/refocus Ryker as more of a grander NRGverse villain as opposed to a mostly Toonman-focused villain. We just figured it made more sense for his character, so we're making some updates to some characters associated with him. SOME of Ryker's henchmen will stay Toonman villains, but not all. Updates to character origin below.

Yep! Two new Toonman villains for the price of one! These girls will leave you breathless, meet Cinnamon and Wintermint.


Orphans Katie Marks and Sadie Jones had been looking out for each other since they both met at a young age, but luck never seemed to be on their side. In Vaudeville they got by working as street walkers under the names Cinnamon and Wintermint respectively, once again keeping themselves in check whenever clients or the law got too rough for them. In another string of bad luck they were picked up by Ryker’s second hand, Skulljack, on the promise of better jobs. In truth, Skulljack brought them in as part of many ‘volunteers’ for Ryker’s experiments, the groups being made up of people no one would miss or look for like runaways or the homeless. Speculated that their bond is what allowed them to survive Ryker’s superpower experiments when others died, Katie and Sadie’s lungs were changed to hold greater air capacity, but more so they had been granted to expel thermal-charged air from their lungs. In other words, Katie gained the ability to breath fire while Sadie gained the ability to breath ice; as well as both gaining a telepathic bond to each other.

Because of their survival, Ryker decided to put them to work as agents to bring in more volunteers for his experiments, in exchange he promised them compensation and housing. Now stuck in a job they did not want but fearful of their new employer, Katie and Sadie opted to use their new positions and powers as a means to get back a world that had offered them no help; luring wayward men in with their street skills and paying no mind when Ryker got his hands on them, often reaping the rewards of what their clients left behind in their disappearance. Eventually their fortunes turned around when Toonman appeared in the human world, and Mara began funding Ryker’s projects in exchange for superhuman weapons to destroy Toonman. Ryker “sold” them to Mara to act as her personal body guards, chauffeurs and assistants and perform her dirty work when needed, all the while sending reports back to Ryker with any further information they could on Toonman and emerging superhumans in Vaudeville.


  • Both have expanded lung capacity that allows them to take in greater quantities of air and expel it back with a certain thermal charge: Fire (Cinnamon) or Ice (Wintermint).
  • Share a unique telepathic bond that allows the to communicate with each other and see/hear what the other one does.
  • Assassins and Spies in Training.

Hope you guys like these new characters! Let us know with a comment below!

Toonman: The Animated Ace © NRG Comics

Art by Nic011 https://www.deviantart.com/nic011



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