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Update 8/4/2023: So, to make long story short, we've decided to revise/refocus Ryker as more of a grander NRGverse villain as opposed to a mostly Toonman-focused villain. We just figured it made more sense for his character, so we're making some updates to some characters associated with him. SOME of Ryker's henchmen will stay Toonman villains, but not all. Updates to character origin below.

Hey Guys! Got another new Toonman villain for his Peanut Gallery! This here is Bang-Bang, Ryker's head assassin and Skulljack's on-again/off-again girlfriend!


Amongst the many superhumans agents Ryker had created under his employment, none was more deadly or professional than Shira Tyson. Coming from a bad family in a bad neighborhood, Shira’s eventually left home opting to take her chances out in the world, eventually becoming a thief proficient in firearms. Surviving by pulling a few jobs once in a while, it was during one of these jobs she unintentionally got caught in the business dealings of Ryker. Impressed by her self-taught skills and prowess, Ryker offered her a better life under his employment and though skeptical Shira felt it was still a better deal than what she had now. Her gut-choice proved to be right– Ryker gave her the ability to produce energy charges and release it through her finger tips like a pistol, training her to be his go-to assassin for hire. Taking the code-name Bang-Bang, Shira came to enjoy being one the few lucky ones to genuinely have a better life under Ryker’s employment, even meeting her on-again, off-again lover Skulljack.


  • Trained Assassin and Spy
  • Able to create various energy charges and fire them with her fingers/hands.A single second charge through one finger has the piercing power of a high caliber rifle.
    A three second charge through 2 fingers has the power of explosive shotgun
    A ten second charge through her whole hand has enough power equivalent to dynamite.

Toonman: The Animated Ace © NRG Comics

Art by the awesome Nic011 https://www.deviantart.com/nic011



Ákos Kovács

Wow, 3 things! 1st nice that she has a variety of "weapons". 2nd I hope that she says bang when she shoots. 3rd what will happen when she meets Killjoy! :D