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Hey Guys! Remember how last month I previewed a special commission in the works for Toonman? Well, This is it!

So, fun story about this piece- one morning I woke up from a strange dream that lead to an interesting idea I had for Toonman involving him working in a construction site. This eventually lead to my brain exploding with ideas on how to further round out Toonman's character beyond that of superheroics and classic animated tropes. So I embraced this flood of ideas and decided to give Tom Foolery something I had been considering for a while- a day job. Specifically as a handyman for hire.

So the idea behind this starts with Toonman's failed pilot (which I now finally had an idea for). I figured it could be about wackiness the ensues while Toonman is at a 1930s construction site. Despite the pilot failing, his episode would instill Toonman with some natural handyman skills, which he would developed during his time Toontopia. And when he comes to the human world, one thing he has to worry about is having a roof over his head and money to pay bills for. So, at the encouragement of his friends, he hires himself as a handyman for various blue collar jobs such as a mechanic, construction worker, electrician or plumber. After working with his fellow human blue collar workers, I imagine would develop a real respect and kinship with them, even taking an active role in union moments to help his fellow workers.

As a handyman, I like to imagine that after years of developing his skills Toonman would boasts he can handle any job or fix anything. This sense of cockiness and over ambition in his skill often leads him to fix or improve things for others that they don’t ask him to do nor want him to do. Toonman also has a nasty habit of adding “more power” to his power tools and device in unorthodox ways, which often than not lead to comedic mishaps and accidents much to the chargin of those around him. What's worse, Due to the antics/nature of his failed pilot taking place in a construction zone, Toonman is accident prone. This unfortunately carries into his job as a handyman where he must be extra careful to avoid serious collateral damage or injury to his fellow workmen. (and to his heroics and everyday situations of course). Essentially, Toonman is Tim Allens' character of Tim "The Toolman" Taylor from Home Improvement.

Despite his faults as a handyman, I still like to imagine Toonman would be a hard worker who enjoys fixing things and taking on all sort of craftsman and DIY jobs. One idea I had was that because many buildings and homes are damaged by Toonman’s battles against his enemies, he often volunteers or takes jobs to repair and rebuild them. He’s even become spokesman/poster boy for a new organization designed to rebuild communities lost in superhero battles.

Anyway, you'll see more of this coming in Toonman's comic, but for now we'd love to hear your thoughts on this new idea for Toonman's character! So drop those comments below!

Big shout out to our friend and fellow comic creator Alex Weston for bringing this amazing concept to life for us! YOU ROCK ALEX!!

Toonman: The Animated Ace © NRG Comics

Art by Alex Weston https://www.deviantart.com/alexweston45 

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