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Hey Guys!! We wanted to give our patrons an exclusive sneak-peak and field test of a brand new superhero we plan to introduce down the road within our universe. We're very excited about this specific character because we plan for her to be our title space-exploration superhero like Green Lantern or the Guardians of the Galaxy. However, what really excites us the most is how we've built this character by completely subverting/inverting the iconic tropes you usually find in space-faring superheroes into a direction that has never been done before. The character/series also takes a lot of influence from such eastern anime genres like RWBY and DBZ.

So let us be the first to introduce you to - with ideas by Alex Dawe and design by Web Bleynat - "Andromeda: The Moonchild"!!


One of the first peaceful contacts with alien life had made was with an agent of the Galactic Masters, a growing peacekeeping corps that both policed and united different planets in the universe. It was a group whose ranks were made up of only the best and strongest, the unique ability found within each member’s species brought to planetary levels through a process known as “maximization”. The Galactic Master’s agent claimed to have come to hopefully put an end to Earth’s reputation on other planets by granting one worthy human into their ranks, hopefully the first of many for the Masters. To that end, the human the agent had deemed most worthy was one who had made history as the first human born in space, Andromeda Baladin. Many thought it was weary of his choice due to Andromeda’s new form of spaceflight osteopenia, but she seemingly was cured after having gone through the maximization process, which unlocked her latent kinetic ability to control gravity.

But then, Andromeda learned the horrible truth about the Galactic Masters: they were in reality an oppressive policing syndicate whose idea of peace and shared prosperity throughout the universe was ultimately enslaving planets through their corpsmen in a form of galactic anti-nationalism and patriotism. And once the Masters had seen that humans were able to develop a wide variety of abilities unique to each individual, they had sought to bring Earth into their ranks only so they could create a vast stormtrooper army of superpowered humans. Upon hearing this, Andromeda exposed the agent and led the superheroes of Earth in a battle to bring him in.

Following their victory, Andromeda convinced the officials of Earth to give her a new purpose: she would take down the Galactic Masters, free the planets and hopefully create a new alliance between them through a true galactic peacekeeping force started on Earth known as the Starfighter Program. With their blessing, Andromeda ventured into space to explore and make contact with life amongst the stars.


  • Andromeda is one of the most powerful superhumans in NRG universe, her kinetic manipulation/control over gravity allowing her a wide variety of abilities ranging from flight and strength to graviton blast and orbital telekinesis. Combined with her life of space-training and education and in addition to her already low stature physique, she is a diminutive dynamo powerhouse who is capable of going toe-to-toe with many of the Galactic Master’s planetary-level powered members.
  • Despite her incredible power, her ability does come with some drawbacks- for one, her power levels vary depending on the gravity force levels of each individual planet she is on. Her powers fluctuate in the presence of high vs. low gravity. And it is shown that her powers have yet to function at all in zero-gravity space (hence why she travels around on a spaceship). In addition, while the maximizing process did “technically” cure her osteopenia by earth standards, it was revealed to be a condition still within her that can be a major weakness on different planets, often forcing herself just to use her powers just to keep herself in tact.
  • In short, while she is in fact a powerhouse, Andromeda’s true strength must always come from her ability to strategically think and adapt to the environment around her.

We'd really love any feedback you guys can give us on this new potential character! So fire away on any comments you may have!



Captain Henson

I'm loving the concept. One of my favorite aspects of sci-fi stories is the exploration of alien species and cultures, so if we can get that here, that would be great. I can't wait to find out more.