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Hey Guys!

In continuation of our announcement we made earlier this week ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/announcement-68932100?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare ), our creative team has been hard at work planning and processing how to better bring you our absolute best with our titles of Empress, Toonman, Rogue Wave Pirates and Zener. Notably, on Zener, a specific character came up during discussion that really has our team excited more than the Master of the Mind himself:

Salvatore, Zener’s Rival.

Now, it’s no secret that we’re trying to get away from our inspirational roots of DC Comics and Marvel, both of which played a huge influence in the foundation of Zener’s mythos, and as a result we struggled for sometime with the series and many of it’s character. However, since we’ve been hard at work since the beginning, bettering the characters into a more original brand, the one character that has perhaps had the most change and development than Zener is Salvatore.

Salvatore is unique in that he’s not necessarily a supervillain, nor can he be classified as a superhero. Salvatore identifies himself as a savior and protector to mankind, his story being that he has keep the superhuman population underwraps for thousands of years overgrowing fear and bearing witness to the tragedy that befalls mankind when such humans gain too much power too quickly and have no training or guidance to use them correctly. As such, Salvatore sees himself as a “necessary evil” to mankind- taking necessary steps and crossing lines others wouldn’t, believing the end does justify the means. Of course, sometimes his plans or methods haven’t worked and often come back to haunt him (such as with Zener), ultimately leaving the immortal Salvatore to live with the cost of his actions and hopefully try to do better.

It’s because of his stance, experience and immortal life that our creative team has always believed that in a world where more superhumans and threats are popping up faster than Salvatore can keep them down, Salvatore would choose to step out of the shadows and publicly take his crusade against the most powerful and malevolent of superbeings. Our team has always regarded Salvatore as the kind of character who the rest of the superhero community would disagree with on his belief and methods, yet when greater threats arise they and Salvatore would work together for the betterment and survival of humanity and the world.

What we’re getting at with this is that our creative team sees great potential in Salvatore as a protagonist- not necessarily a full on superhero or ever straight of villain, but the kind of protagonist that walks the bordering line between anti-hero and anti-villain- ultimately a character people root for because he has a point but don’t always agree with his methods. Salvatore has that kind of indie comic book character potential that many creators want to take a chance on but are hesitant too, but we want to leap at the opportunity to have such a character be a fundamental driving force that help builds and developes our world around it. Our team feels Salvatore has the makings to be right up there with morally gray protagonist like Vegeta, Magneto, John Constantine/Hellblazer and more, while also helping to differentiate our superhero universe from others (indie or otherwise) as a unique, defining protagonist/character, much like Toonman or Empress.

With that said, the reason we bring this up is because our team has decided that part of our title initiative will be to lay out a foundation to “test the waters” with Salvatore as it were and see what kind of reaction we can get from our followers old and new with such a character. While we aren’t trying to force the idea like we did with Zener, we more so want to showcase the potential we see within Salvatore so others can see it too and hopefully become as excited in the possibilities with such a protagonist. Some things we will be doing is commissioning special art that highlight’s Salvatore as a character, develop/showcase him a little more in Zener’s now limited series run (which, was always going to happen but now we have a secondary goal in mind), and plan for a spin-off one-shot or mini series that will hopefully get more people interested.

We know this is sudden and a lot to take in with addition to our announcement earlier, but we hope that you understand that we’re moving in this direction not only to build a better and more unique superhero brand, but also give you guys the absolute best stories and characters with unlimited potential that we have in our arsenal. Know that whatever happens we still plan to make Zener a core part of our universe if the fandom allows it, and we ask that you keep an open and optimistic mind about what we have planned.

Thanks so much for your time guys! Keep awesome and until next time!!

NRG Comics


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