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Next Up on the Empress New Characters Preview, Laeron: 

Born a sociopath in elven society, Laeron began planning to become the ruler of the magical world from a young age. He feigned being poor at combat, despite really having a natural talent for it, and instead of a warrior he became a diplomat. On his own he studied forbidden magics, which he used to enhance his body far beyond what should be possible for an elf. He uses his natural charisma along with his power to turn people against each other so he can step in once they have destroyed themselves. He also has set his sights on the human world. He tried fathering a child with a human woman to see if he could use the hybrid to his advantage, but abandoned her when she was born blind.  

Powers include super strength, superhuman agility, superhuman speed, an ability to "flash step" through shadows, and charisma that makes him nearly irresistible to anyone who isn't actively trying to hate him.  

Although mainly an enemy of Snipe Hunter, Laeron is a threat to earth and humanity and has therefore gotten himself on Empress's radar. Empress particularly dislikes him because she sees so much of her old self in him.

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I Love the subtle hint to a future character when referencing his daughter