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Thank you to everyone supporting us here on Patreon. You should have received a note in your inbox from the team, and we wanted to share one more little thing.

With the leverage you've provided, we've twisted some bureaucratic arms and extracted the following report from the New Alliance of Free Stars Security Council. It's largely redacted but contains a few interesting pieces of information. Please peruse the attachment at your leisure.

Have a happy holiday, and we're looking forward to sharing much more in 2024.



Ugh, I want to play it nooooow


An Earthling, a Yehat, an Utwig, a Syreen, and a Pkunk all walk into a Security Council meeting... maybe an Arilou?? Those blurry images have me extremely excited!


Just joined the Patreon and got this sneak peak: I am SO EXCITED! Those particular worlds were always my favorite part of the game when I was 12 and first played... As a lighting designer now I can say that I've always been drawn to color, and that was just the coolest thing ever. Stoked.