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Last year during November, we celebrated 30 years of The Ur-Quan Masters! This year, it’s not quite as big and round as 30, but it is 31. We wanted to have a quieter month but still celebrate the legacy of UQM and the wonderful community we have. We had lots of ideas! There were going to be balloons, dogs, balloon doggies. It was going to be great. Reality stepped in, and this month got away from us for a lot of reasons. Without going into specifics, 13 involved feathers, and 62 involved concrete. A story for another time.

In case you weren’t here for it, we celebrated the big three-oh last year, and the least we can do is highlight some of our favorite stuff from that time. If you didn’t get a chance to see or just want to walk down memory lane, check them out!

And, of course, our live celebration we did with x33n! (Also available on YouTube)

A few more goodies will be coming your way next month, but we wanted to at least humbly acknowledge and wrap up November. Stay tuned and join the discussion on Reddit and Discord.



I'm guessing the patrons were not asking for y'all to be custodians of the games they already love. Perhaps just make a damned-decent game while working with the original creators and their vision. If not; I am out.