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The Real Jon Snow video is in the final stage of video production! All the research, writing and visual design is done – now it's just a process of assembling the pieces into a video. There's a rough edit done of the first 30 minutes – and about 100 minutes more to edit. I think the video will be done in 2-3 weeks.

Here’s a fun little preview from the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k58r_4Wh0Y4

We commissioned artist Ertaç Altınöz to illustrate a climactic moment in the video – visualising a theory on how Jon's story might end... Ertaç does wonderful work, and his art was heavily featured in George Martin's book Rise of the Dragon. So this is a very special piece – Ertaç is doing the final touches now, and it looks amazing :)

We’re using a different video editing workflow for this video, so you might notice the editing style is a little different – less freeze-frames, more continuous live video clips. It’s been an interesting learning process – and ultimately it’ll speed up the editing for future videos.

Last week, we made a short video listing all of the current Game of Thrones spinoff shows in development. It’s a fun challenge making a 60-second-long video – and it’s nice to make some quick easy videos in-between long video essays. So we’ll make more short videos occasionally – maybe some Dune lore shorts would be cool.

Dune Part Two is coming out on Feb 28th. I plan to do some livestreams to discuss first impressions, and to compare the movie to the Dune book... But I'll think about Dune once the Jon video is done.

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Alt Shift X links: YouTube, Podcast, Audio feed, Twitter, Insta, Patron Discord. (Connect Discord to Patreon).


Joe Gang

Much love 🫡


Common Alt Shift X W

Zachary Rihner

I think dune shorts would be a really good idea!

Alt Shift X

Yeah, I figure a short about each new character would be good – one for Emperor Shaddam, and Feyd-Rautha, Irulan, Margot...

Zachary Rihner

I think a factions video might be cool too, it’s hard to explain the power dynamics of dune. It can be confusing to non book readers!

Seán McCaughey

Has this video been in the final stage of development for 6 months or am I going crazy

Jan Taro

lets gooo!! hope the editing goes smoothly! Looking forward to it very much!!


I thought the preview was gonna be the first 30 minutes and I had been excited all day waiting to get home to watch it😭😭😭 Ah well I can wait a lil longer ! Keep up the great work much love<3

Nizar Alsaidi

Hey Shifty, have you seen Supercut Delight's video on fixing Bran ?

Nizar Alsaidi

The part when he resurrects Ser Jorah as a fire wight to fight the Night King would have been a massive highlight for Season 8.

Jack The Human

acok abwidged 👉👈🥺🥹💕