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Hey guys,

With the Valyrian swords video done, the Cersei video once again takes priority. There's a huge amount of content to cover with her, and I'm still umming and erring over how best to structure the video (or videos?) . So, in the meantime, I've also started thinking about also doing a shortish video about Rhaegar Targaryen. Rhaegar is one of the most important, yet mysterious characters in ASOIAF – son of the Mad King Aerys, brother of Daenerys, and (presumed) father of Jon Snow. He's intertwined with some of the most intriguing theories and prophecies in the series, and will probably also play a role in GOT S7. Now's a good time, then, to figure out what we can about Rhaegar.

So that's the plan at the moment – focusing on finishing Cersei, but if that takes too long I'll put out a quickish Rhaegar vid. I'm determined not to leave such a long gap between videos again, as with the Valyrian steel vid – thank you for your patience on that, and for your continued support!






mate/ess, what is the female version of mate?


Ahahah, mate it's ok then!!