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TL;DR: In 2024, we'll release videos on Jon Snow, HOT D Season 2, and Dune 2.

2023 was a weird year for Alt Shift X.

For the first few months, we took a break from videos. (Patreon payments were paused). Then we mostly worked on The Real Jon Snow video, and made some Dune videos. So we didn't release many videos in 2023. But we worked on lots of videos that are now almost finished: The Real Jon Snow, ancient legends of Westeros and the COTF, Top Fighters in Dune, Tuf Voyaging. We did research for videos on Benjen, Mance, Thenns, Dune lore... We've got heaps of material ready to go. So in 2024, I want to take these scripts and research, and turn them into finished videos.

The first priority is The Real Jon Snow. The Real Jon video is similar to the Real Tyrion video – a deep dive into Jon's full story, with analysis and speculation on future books. The Jon video is the biggest ASX video ever, over two hours long. It's got some gorgeous imagery, including new commissioned artwork. It's been a long time coming – I might've gotten too bogged down in details... Two hours is absurdly long for an ASX video essay. But it's 95% done now. Once I'm happy with the script and visuals, the video will go into production.

Dune Part Two will come out in March, so we'll do livestreams to talk first impressions. I'd then like to make a Real Dune Part Two video comparing the movie to the book in-depth – similar to the first Real Dune video. I also want to finish The Philosophy of Dune video and the Top Fighters video. But to make those videos, I'll need the Dune Part Two Bluray/streaming video footage, which won't come out until later in the year. So we'll make a bunch of Dune videos in 2024, but they probably won't come out until after HOT D S2.

House of the Dragon Season 2 will start airing in about June. Like last season, I plan to do weekly livestreams and videos covering each episode. In preparation, I reckon we'll do a recap video, and some collab livestreams. Hopefully Season 2 will be as good as Season 1!

In 2023, we did the first ever ASX livestreams with special guests – talking HOT D and Dune with Quinn, Aziz and Glidus. It's fun having long unscripted chats, but I hope they don't dilute or distract from the scripted edited ASX videos. To me, Alt Shift X is all about the scripted videos – livestreams are just a bonus. Maybe I should change the thumbnails to make it clearer that the livestreams and the scripted videos are two different things... What do you think of the livestreams?

In 2023, I read some of George Martin's older stories – Tuf Voyaging, Sandkings, The Ice Dragon, Men of Greywater Station, The Way of Cross and Dragon... All of which would make good video topics. I also studied more George Martin interviews, and watched some of his favourite movies, like Forbidden Planet. It helped me get a better understanding of Martin's writing.

So 2023 laid the groundwork for lots of future videos. In 2024, the top priority is to finish The Real Jon Snow. Then the HOT D S2 videos. Then The Real Dune Part Two, and The Philosophy of Dune, and Top Fighters in Dune. And in between those big projects, I'd like to fit in some smaller videos about ASOIAF and George's older stories. Maybe even a non-fiction video if we have time. I'm excited to get some new videos out :)

Thanks so much for your support on Patreon! You help make Alt Shift X possible.

Happy new year!



Alt Shift X

Thanks so much for the lovely feedback, everyone!

Sandra Warmbreath

I like the scripted ones best. Livestreams are ok but the topics are more random and broken up by Thanks to donations and random questions , so less depth. They're different though I enjoy both! Thanks!


Had to join the Patron for the jon snow vid he's my favorite character in ASOIAF. Your imo the best GoT Content Creator. Don't Alt Schwift x I said that.

Evelyn Aumiller

I live for the livestreams!!!! I've been anxiously awaiting one to like go over the trailers with glidus!!!!