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Hey guys, I'm now working on finalising the GNC video design. It's like assembling a huge jigsaw puzzle, except all the pieces are information, and also the puzzle is three-dimensional, cause it's a 20-minute-long video. Bad metaphor?

In any case, it's starting to look really good. Once the design is done and audio recorded, it should be pretty straightforward to animate. I don't wanna speak too soon, but thanks to your Patronage, I'm now working with a production assistant to complete the animation phase of the process. If all goes to plan, the assistant can finish producing the GNC video, while I start writing the next vid.. There are still kinks to work out, but ultimately this should significantly speed up the ASX production cycle – meaning more videos for you (:

In any case, the GNC video is going really well – will keep you posted.






Hey ASX, (Yikes! I just wrote a novel, sorry man. If you can't respond to all or any of this, no worries.) Has it become easier for you to put these videos together? I mean, in terms of overall production time from where you were a year ago, I can assume that your workflow has been streamlined/optimized quite a bit over the months. How is it working with an assistant? Was there a "learning curve" starting out with someone new in terms of having to do a brain dump with them about all of the processes you had developed yourself over the course of the previous videos? Your process seems to be very unique among any of the other movie/show reviews, and largely resource heavy...I know you had mentioned some custom animation scripts for camera movements...The final product never ceases to amaze me...I can only imagine the library if content that you've built up in the process of doing these videos, but the presentation is always so fluid and sharp, and your narration and insights cogent. Appreciate being able to have watched your channel grow over the year(s? ... I can't remember how long I've been subscribed. I remember finding you through an R+L=J watching binge I think.) As always, thanks for the hard work and long hours. We certainly enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Captain Marvel DMB MSc

Way ahead looks as awesome as Iron Born reavers putting to sea for a pre dawn raid...Awesome.

Alt Shift X

Hey Sean, thanks for the kind words (: The workflow has improved a lot over the last year or so. Learned lots of new techniques, grown the library of GOT media, using more custom scripts, better hardware, working with an audio editor and now production assistants.. but at the same rate that the process is improving, I'm taking on bigger and more complex videos, like this massive GNC project. So it feels a little like I'm sprinting to stand still – the increasing size and complexity of the vids means I'm still not releasing vids as frequently as I'd like to be. The quality's solid, and that's probably most important.. but yeah I also want to improve the release frequency more. As for the production assistants, it's still early days – but yeah you're absolutely right, the production process is very unorthodox and resource-heavy, so it is a very tricky learning curve. Once we've got it all worked out though, should make it much easier to make videos (: Thanks for the support man!