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I've just re-written a chunk of the script, to add in a cool new idea about how George Martin's 'five-year gap' might explain some discrepancies in the age of the Sailor's Wife's daughter, Lanna – this'll make sense when you see the video (:

But in the alteration, I ended up removing the original conclusion of the video, which was an odd little tangent about the Valyrian steel sword Oathkeeper – so I'm posting it here in case y'all are interested:

Gerion failed in his quest, and Brightroar remains lost, but, in the end, the Lannisters did get a Valyrian steel sword – after the death of Ned Stark, his huge Valyrian steel greatsword, Ice , is melted down by Tywin Lannister and forged into two new Valyrian swords – Widow’s Wail, for Joffrey, and Oathkeeper, for Jaime, which he gifts to Brienne – for her to use in her search for Sansa. So the whole sorry story of Lannister greed for Valyrian steel did kill King Tommen and uncle Gerion – but it also, in a round-about way, put “a sword fit for a hero” in the hands of someone worthy. So let’s call that a happy ending.

Anyway, now that the script is complete, I expect it'll take about 24 hours to record, animate and publish the final video (:




Looking forward to it. Though there is something to be said about this passage, namely I don't think Oathkeeper going to Brienne is some kind of happy story stuff, eg he r re-painted Bat shield etc there's a lot to suggest her path is bittersweet, eg she is an honourable person but may end up sadly in the service of a Sansa turned Lady Lothston Mk 2 - as a kind of reflection of Jaimie and the Mad King, eg the sword is in the hands of someone worthy but not in the service of honourable deeds and Brienne is still bound by her oath....so may be good this passage isn't in? What happens with Widows Wail will be interesting, technically I think it was gifted to the Baratheon Cadet branch or Royal family KUTGW

Alt Shift X

Yeah good points, Brienne's story is by no means a wholly positive one... will have to do a video on her some time. And yeah the fate of Widow's Wail will be interesting. One day I hope to do a video going over the movements of all the known Valyrian blades - there are heaps of cool stories there. Cheers!