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The video design is about 90% done – most of it is solid, but the Season Two sections in the upper-left are pretty ugly so I'm trying to tidy them up.

The script is also mostly done, though I'm working on editing it down a bit – currently it's at 2700 words, 14:00 minutes worth – which I think is a bit longer than it should be.

In any case, the vid is looking pretty good – it touches on all the juiciest mysteries and character conflicts, hints at future possibilities in Season Two, and is illustrated nicely by the visuals. I look forward to recording the final audio soon (:






Been watching a smattering of ST recaps from around YouTube....New Media Rockstars did a pretty solid one (exhaustive....) but nothing has me more excited that seeing the layout above. Thanks for the hard work!


I vote no editing it down. 14 minutes is fine.

Alt Shift X

Editing, for me, is about making things more clear and concise – not necessarily removing content or anything. Ten minutes of focussed analysis is way better than fifteen of rambling imho