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Hi guys, while I've been working on the Stranger Things video, I got distracted by the Sansa Ashford tourney theory, or "Five Suitors" theory. It's about how hints in The Hedge Knight novella suggest that Sansa might marry a Targaryen – which could mean Aegon – or even Jon.

I think this topic is worth a quick video – probably ~6-8 minutes. I've already got a rough script draft done, so I could get the video done in the next few days. Once that's done, I'll finish off the Stranger Things video, then I'll be diving into the Great Northern Conspiracy. While I work on the GNC, I'll release some smaller videos on topics like Summerhall, Hardhome and Strong Belwas.

Sound good?






a quick Alleras video would also be cool...


Thanks for the update! I have looking forward to a Sansa vid for a while :)

Alt Shift X

I actually spent some time on an Alleras video some months ago - some day I'll go back and finish it (: