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Hey guys – the Jaqen vid is almost complete (:

It should be online in about 12-14 hours, depending on render and upload times. I'll keep this post updated, so you can check back for ETAs.

ETA: 1 hour

I fixed a rendering issue that was slowing down the Dany video – so this vid rendered way faster (:

To do:

- Camera movements [DONE]

- Clip timings and transitions, animations [DONE]

- Final pass + refinements [DONE]

- Rendering [DONE]

- Uploading 50%...

- YT processing 




Looking forward to it! Must be one of the more difficult videos to make :)

Alt Shift X

One of the hardest, yeah – but I'm really pleased with the final product (:


The line spacing in the thumbnail really irks me. Still, looking forward to this. ;)

Alt Shift X

It's a bit gross, yeah – sometimes it's tricky to fit the text in nicely