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There are a million different ways to interpret the Undying's prophecies about "three fires", "three mounts" and "three treasons" – in this video I'll be focusing on some of the most simple and likely answers. That said, having Jon Snow as the third fire, mount and betrayer could tie in to all sorts of Lightbringer / Nissa Nissa / Azor Ahai shenanigans..

This layout is just a draft, obviously – will need to find a better arrangement with the text.

But yeah the video's coming along nicely – am on track to complete both the Dany and Jaqen videos within the next couple weeks (:




Wow! I am amazed you are tackling something this difficult. The vagueness of the prophecy and the introduction of Jon as the son of Rhaegar means there are so many variables at play. I say considering the complexity of the material that you take your time, and if you run over just communicate that do to the complexity of the material you need extra time to give accurate information and predictions. I am really looking forward to this one.


I'm sooooo glad you're doing this topic, one of the most perplexing/vexing prophecies of the series