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Hi guys, we're still working on the Dune videos, but they’re almost done. “The real Dune” has grown into the biggest Alt Shift X video ever, about 1.5 hours long. Plus a ~20-minute video about “The Philosophy of Dune”. (Plus a Podcast episode with a special guest, and a Q&A livestream). Sorry they've taken so long! A lot of research, thought, and editing is going into these ~15,000 words. Lots of insights from Frank Herbert interviews throughout both videos. Really excited to explore the beating heart of this crazy story! The “real Dune” video features new artwork commissioned from Bella Bergolts:

In 20 hours, we’ll hold a livestream for all Patrons where I’ll walk through the current Dune video script/design – would love to get your feedback before finalising the video! If you miss the livestream, you can watch later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUvK49yeERw

Also, the results of our Patron vote are in, and the next video after Dune will be “The real Jon Snow”. This’ll be a big character analysis video all about our favourite bastard/secret-prince/warg/zombie-man/messiah. Similar to the “real Tyrion Lannister” video. Will probably commission some more Bella Bergolts art for it.

You might also be interested in this livestream by Alt Schwift X discussing the writing styles of George R. R. Martin and Frank Herbert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGj8vsOnZs4

Also, ICYMI, George Martin has been blogging lately about the many Game of Thrones prequel TV shows in development -- including House of the Dragon, The Sea Snake, Ten Thousand Ships, Dunk & Egg, and The Golden Empire. No good news about The Winds of Winter, but it sounds like we’ll have lots of GOT/ASOIAF stuff to cover in the years ahead.

Thanks for your support and for your patience with the Dune videos! Can’t wait to drop these videos.


Links: Alt Shift X YouTube, Podcast, Audio Podcast, Twitter, Patron Discord. (Connect Discord to Patreon).


Patron livestream: The real Dune

Past livestreams: https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=livestreams Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveZqqGewoyPiacooywP5Ig?sub_confirmation=1 Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX Twitter: https://twitter.com/altshiftx Alt Shift X Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW6C71HUEN5iBuX8qq5xxw Alt Shift X Audio Podcast: https://anchor.fm/alt-shift-zzz Discord: https://discord.gg/2CBtfNj Merch: https://standard.tv/altshiftx Stream donations: https://streamlabs.com/altshiftx


Glen Thrasher

I did not catch this live, but I think it looks great. I think it might be a look at the first half of the first half of of the Dune book, than the recent movie. I thought the movie was beautiful and cool, like all Denis Villeneuve movies. I do not believe Dune (2021) disproves the notion Herbert's Dune is truly film-able. Obviously it has been filmed several times and continues to be filmed. Perhaps it will always be filmed, Perhaps by the time we get the perfect Dune movie, I will have read all the books. So far I have only read the first 3. And maybe GRRM will finish The Winds of Winter about that same time.

Glen Thrasher

I meant to say "it might be a better look at the first half of the Dune book". Sorry about that.

Alt Shift X

Every generation could make its own Dune movie adaptation, each radically different from the last.. it'd reveal a lot about the vibe of that generation..