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In this episode, Tormund mentions that "Jon Snow’s not a king" – which is kinda funny, given that there's actually heaps of foreshadowing in the books that Jon will become a king:
  • In several chapters, Jeor Mormont's raven repeatedly says "King" at Jon
  • In the ADWD Prologue, Varamyr says that warging into Ghost would be "a second life worthy of a king" – and it looks likely that, in the books, Jon will warg into Ghost before his resurrection
  • In AGOT, King Robert makes an odd comment about kings "hiding under the … Snow"

Additionally, we know Robb wanted Jon to succeed him as King in the North (Catelyn V, ASOS). And of course there's the whole loophole of death freeing Jon from his Night's Watch vow to "wear no crowns".

So despite Tormund's words, Jon may well become a king – in fact, unless Littlefinger manages to wrest Winterfell from Jon and become Warden of the North, Jon may well be crowned King in the North as early as next episode...




And the idea that you can have the King/Queen in the North rather than Warden has been foreshadowed by Dany's exchange with Yara and the whole "You're conqueror, not a ruler" thing.


Love that you're going more into book material in this one. I missed that a bit with the other Recaps. No offense, I know that there was probably not much material to rely on since the show's passing the book. Looking forward to see the video!