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In one week, the Dune movie comes out on HBO – an adaptation of the first half of Frank Herbert’s classic sci fi novel. Dune is a dense, detailed, and very weird book. It’s full of unconventional storytelling, intricate worldbuilding, heady themes, and obtuse sci fi jargon. If you don’t know your Shai-hulud from your Sardaukar, you’re going to be very confused. So, as per this Patron vote, we’re making a Dune video. It’ll explore and analyse the Dune movie, adding details and context from the books. The video will have no spoilers beyond the movie and first book. But if the video goes well and you guys want more, we can make more Dune videos delving deeper into the series, and covering potential sequels to the movie…

After Dune, we’ll probably make some videos about the final season of The Expanse – Amazon is offering us early access to the episodes, which is exciting. So we’ll probably do a recap video before the season starts, then an analysis / book comparison for after the finale – similar to last season. Also, the ninth and final Expanse book comes out on November 30th – maybe it’d be possible to have another chat with the authors, Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck… (Just try not to think about the fact that Abraham and Franck published their entire nine-book Expanse series within the ten year wait since George Martin published A Dance With Dragons).

A teaser for the upcoming Game of Thrones prequel TV show, House of the Dragon, came out. And we’ll make plenty of House of the Dragon videos next year, closer to the show’s release. But for now I’d like to do another ASOIAF character video, similar to the recent Tyrion video. Maybe about Jon, Daenerys, Bran, Sansa, Theon, Brienne, or some other POV character we haven’t made a video about yet. (Might commission Bella Bergolts to paint another gorgeous portrait). To choose a character to cover, we’ll hold a vote on Patreon after the Dune video’s done.

Also on the radar is a video about Asshai, which is currently in limbo due to delays from collaborators – but we’ll get back to that when possible. I’d still love to make a non-fiction video about the mythology of Venus. And a Man After Man video, to follow up the All Tomorrows video. And a Binding of Isaac video maybe…

So there’s lots of cool stuff coming!

Thanks for your support




I've recently started watching Foundation (its on Apple TV) and it's surprisingly good. It's based on Isaac Asimov's books. I'd love an AltShiftX rundown of the Asimovverse or whatever it's called. It's apparently 3 book series (Robot, Empire and Foundation series), compromised of like 20+ books spanning many millennia of galactic history... I think the Will Smith movie, I Robot is supposed to exist in the same universe for instance. That being in a not too distant future, similar to the game Detroit: Become Human, while Foundation is tens of thousands of years into the future, similar to... Uhm... Star Wars, except that's in the past... Whatever... Cool sciency/technobabbily space stuff. Grandios scale. Seemingly massive amounts of worldbuilding. And a ridiculous budget from what I can tell. Aaaaanyway. Bring on The Expanse BELTALAWDA!

Alt Shift X

Yeah the Foundation books are super cool. Would like to cover them and the new show at some point.


I'd love to see one on Arya. Arya in the show is nothing like the character in the books. She lacks all kinds of complexity in the show. In the books there is so much more going on, with tons of foreshadowing and other theories about who she actually is.