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Hey guys,

The S6E07 video is coming along, I've got a draft script worked out with some especially great sections on Jaime, and the Mormonts. I'm also digging around for some air horn effects after the return of our favourite Clegane...

Thanks to the recent support goal we reached, I've been working with a video production expert, finding better ways to structure my compositions so that I can ultimately produce videos faster. This is a gradual process, and won't all happen immediately – but once I've got new tools and techniques and templates worked out, the process is going to be a better one. I'm also in talks with potential audio editors to further speed up the process. So thank you all again for your support!





I'm really happy this is taking off for you, you are very talented!


the website pond5 is good for finding sound effects like air horns, wind chime, pops, beeps, whatever stock sound effect you'd need