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Lots to talk about this episode – Bran's visions are especially cool.

This video is looking to be about 10-15 minutes long – should be done on Wednesday or Thursday (US-time). Will keep you posted.






This is probably the first episode in GoT where no humans were killed. I think this series is getting too positive for my tastes ;-) (Actually Aerys gets killed but that's in a vision so I'm not sure it counts)


It seems there has been 2-3 episodes before where no one was killed on screen, but they sure are rare for GoT.


This Episode has birthed a New tinfoil Theory: Wight walkers were made by shoving obsidian into a man's heart. Benjen Stark was saved from transforminginto a wight by shoving obsidian into his heart. AZORE AHAI SHOVES LIGHT BRINGER INTO HIS WIFES HEART. HELP ME CONNECT THESE DOTS!!!!!


How's this: Azor Ahai is fighting the others with force, but he stabs one in the heart, turning it back into a person? Maybe? Perhaps she was a human who had been raised in other society but wasnt fully transformed. When Azor Ahai tranforms her back he realises that the others aren't inherently evil as they were once human, and so he decides to make peace with the others, rather than attempting to fight them. The wall is made (by the others with their ice magic) to seperate them as not all humans are on board with this, having been massacred by the others, and occasional sacrifices are made through the night fort to keep the others' gene pool varied. The Nissa-Nissa stuff here is pretty tinfoily, but I'm very sure the war for the dawn ended with a peace treaty


When the last hero reached the children of the forest and asked their aid in fighting the Others, they agreed and supplied him with weapons, obsidian daggers. What if the intended use of these daggers weren't to literally fight the others, but rather be used in a sacrificial ritual to create a new living weapon. It doesn't seem too far fetched that Azor Ahai and the Last Hero are the same person. I bet that Dragonfire could heat obsidian to white-hot heat, and that would make the living weapon fire-based.