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Hi guys, hope you all enjoyed the insanity of the Hodor video!

The topic vote is now closed, and it was a close one – the winning topic, beating out the Grand Northern Conspiracy by just a couple of votes, is Jaqen H'ghar.

Jaqen is, of course, the mysterious faceless assassin encountered by Arya in Clash, and later by the unfortunate Pate in Feast. The show also has him – or at least his face – taking the role of the "kindly man" in the House of Black and White. There are lots of fascinating questions to be asked about Jaqen – what was he doing in the black cells in King's Landing? Is he Syrio Forel? What's he doing in the Citadel? Does he seek "the fragmentary, anonymous, blood-soaked tome" Fire and Blood? What are his ultimate goals, and those of the Faceless Men?

I'll aim to answer these questions in the upcoming vid on Jaqen (:

Thanks for voting, and for your support this month!





Damn it! I want the grand northern conspiracy so bad!


Since the Grand Northern Conspiracy was such a close runner up . . . can it queued up as the next long video, Shift?

Alt Shift X

Yup, since so many of you want the GNC, I'll do it as the next really big video (: Am not totally sure when, because I think the next couple months will be mostly focussed on the show – but will defs do it sooner rather than later.

Daniel Leach

I had never heard of the Grand Northern Conspiracy and thought you were referring to the hotel from Twin Peaks. (An Alt Shift X series on Twin Peaks would also be very enjoyable.)