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The next video will be about the character Alleras – here's the first paragraph of the script so far:

In A Song of Ice and Fire, the basis of HBO’s Game of Thrones, Alleras is a novice at the Citadel, meaning he’s a student at what’s basically Westeros’ version of a university. We see him in the Prologue of Feast, having a drink with his friends after passing a history exam, and later he meets Sam, who’s fresh off the boat from the Wall, and takes him to Archmaester Marwyn. Alleras is not a major character, just seems to be some guy, but there’s actually a theory that he has a secret identity, indeed, that he is really a she, specifically, Sarella Sand, a bastard daughter of Oberyn Martell. As crazy as that may sound, it’s actually one of the most well-supported Game of Thrones theories, to the point where it’s almost certainly true.

The script goes on to discuss Alleras=Sarella, her involvement with Marwyn and Sam, as well as the whole "the sphinx was the riddle, not the riddler" thing. Should be a fun video (:

It should also be pretty quick to make, giving me time to work on the huge Varys video, which I expect to release late in the month.

Thank you all for your support!





Sounds awesome. I've been wondering about this.


Since there's a lot of evidence to suggest that Alleras and Sarella are the same person, I also hope you go into detail of why Sarella might be in Oldtown to begin with. Granted, there's not a lot to suggest why she's there (Maybe she just wants to fool around in Oldtown?), but I still think it would be fun to figure out all the different possibilities

Alt Shift X

Yeah, I'll definitely speculate on her reasons for being in Oldtown. I suspect that she's there out of a genuine desire to learn – her natural curiosity is mentioned in AFFC: "Sarella turned over rocks, brushed sand off the mosaics, and wanted to know everything there was to know about the people who had lived here"