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Edit: There was a problem with this livestream, and YouTube didn't save it. Sorry! Here's an extra make-up stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5llHQ4oAwc 

This month's Patron-only livestream is in 24 hours, at 8:40am Eastern time Friday. If you can't watch live, you can watch later at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvD60j7_hXo 

We'll talk about the upcoming video on Raised by Wolves – so if you've got burning questions or theories, comment below and we'll discuss in the stream!

Past livestreams here:  https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX?filters[tag]=livestreams 


(No title)



Oh no, that sucks :( the link has been saying "Waiting for Alt Shift X" the entire time for me. Let us know if any help is needed to test etc. :)

Alt Shift X

Yeah something broke this stream -- turns out I was talking to no one for an hour :/ I'll re answer your questions in the next stream!