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What did you think of Westworld S3E02? This episode brought back some familiar faces – Maeve, Hector, Bernard, Stubbs, Lee... and introduced the enigmatic Serac. It's a nice return to Westworld after the New World last episode – and now in future episodes, these two worlds are set to collide...

We're livestreaming at about 10:30 ET each Sunday night, right after Westworld airs. Patreon supporters can watch the livestreams after broadcast:  https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX?filters[tag]=livestreams 

Working on the S3E02 Explained video now!

Thanks for your support.


Westworld S3E02 Q&A livestream

We're holding Q&A livestream discussions right after each episode of Westworld Season 3, at about 10:30pm ET Sundays. Patreon supporters can watch past livestreams: https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX/posts?tag=livestreams S3E01 stream: https://www.patreon.com/posts/westworld-s3e01-34926465 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveZqqGewoyPiacooywP5Ig?sub_confirmation=1 Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX Twitter: https://twitter.com/altshiftx Merch: https://standard.tv/altshiftx Stream donations: https://streamlabs.com/altshiftx


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