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Just wanted to let you all know that I've completed a draft script for the Others video. It's ~2500 words long – about 13 minutes' worth – and it may grow or shrink as it's finalised. This script is taking a long time because the Others are a really difficult topic – the little info we have on them is vague, contradictory, and scattered throughout the series, and there are heaps of different legends, rumours, theories and possibilities to sift through.

That said, this is shaping up to be a great video. I don't want to give too much away, but the conclusion focuses on the possible role of Jon Snow in the ending of the series.
So thanks for your patience. This is taking longer than expected – but I really want to make the best video for you that I can.






Please take your time to do your research and scripting. We need a master piece on the Others!


Can't wait for this video! And thank you for very interesting and informative videos. Keep on the good job :)