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In 2017 we held the first Alt Shift X Patron survey, to guide the future direction of the channel. Because of that feedback, we made 13 Westworld videos as well as covering Game of Thrones, and started new Patron reward tiers. What do you want to see from Alt Shift X in the future? Have your say: https://forms.gle/gkKRiBcMQpRC8T9Y9 

The Watchmen and Pink Letter videos are coming 🙂




Alt Shift X 2020 Patron survey

Have your say on the future of Alt Shift X --- answer as many or as few questions as you like



I’m a new patron, but I’ve subbed to your channel for a long time. All of your videos are a delight. I filled out the survey, and keep up the great work!

Caitlin Oddy

Will you do a summary video or post of this survey? I's love to see it!