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The Patron vote is closed, and our next ASOIAF video will be about the Pink Letter. The northern storyline in A Dance With Dragons is basically twenty chapters of buildup to the upcoming Battle of Ice in The Winds of Winter. The book weaves an intricate web of alliances, secrets, and bitter rivalries, while an apocalyptic winter looms above all – years of plotting and tension are ready to explode into a giant violent clusterfuck at Winterfell. The Boltons, Freys and their dubious allies occupy Winterfell, with Wyman plotting betrayal and a hooded murderer in their midst. Jon and Melisandre send the wildling king Mance to infiltrate Winterfell to save Arya (who is actually Jeyne). Stannis marches on Winterfell, beset by snowstorms, with Asha and Theon captive. And shortly before getting stuck with the pointy end, Jon declares he’ll march south to face the Bastard of Bolton – sparked by a mysterious Pink Letter. The letter claims that Ramsay has captured Mance and killed Stannis – but fans theorise that the letter is a hoax, possibly written by Mance or Stannis. It’s a complex mystery, with lots of theories and possibilities to explore – and it’s a great reminder of where the northern plotline’s at, with The Winds of Winter possibly on the horizon

We’re also working on a video about His Dark Materials. Not sure yet if it’ll focus more on Season 1 of the show, or Book 1, or on comparing the two – they’re pretty different in some ways. In hindsight, we should have made a quick video explaining how daemons work in HDM – lots of people were confused about that when the season began… But now, with the season finale approaching, I wanna make a video exploring the heart of the series – Lyra’s journey, and the meaning of Dust. We’ll see how it goes – will keep you posted. We did a little Patron-only HDM S1E01 video, in case you haven't seen it.

The Expanse video will also get a public release sometime soon. And perhaps we’ll do a Watchmen video, after the finale. Watchmen Season 1 has been intriguing & gripping & baffling & thought-provoking, but I think we’ve gotta see the finale before deciding whether it’s worth making a video to make sense of it all – maybe we’ll hold a Patron vote to see if you guys are keen.

Excited to get a couple more good videos out before 2020.






So happy the Pink Letter won, one of the most interesting and speculated topics in the series


Excited for these! Ive been pleasantly surprised how true to the books His Dark Materials has been so far, and the few things they have changed have given a lot more depth to the characters. The new watchmen series could definitely use some of your witty commentary. Honestly would love episode by episode recaps even when the season ends, because they’re so juicy

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We'll start with a "Timeline Explained" video, to work out how the new Watchmen show fits with the original comic. It'll take a while longer for the full meaning of the show to sink in, I reckon.