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There are so many cool TV shows coming out right now – every week there's a new episode of His Dark Materials, Watchmen, Rick and Morty, The Good Place… plus The Expanse and Witcher are coming soon... And most of these would make for great Alt Shift X videos.

Lately we’ve been working on a video about The Expanse. Our previous Expanse vids covered the worldbuilding and Book 1, and this new video explores the main characters in Seasons 1-3 – a 'what you need to know' going into Season 4. We’ve spent a heap of time analysing the whole Expanse series, so we’re well prepared to make more Expanse videos – so long as Season 4 is good, and yall Patrons are interested.

After that, I wanna make either a His Dark Materials Season 1 video, or a Watchmen Season 1 video. His Dark Materials probably makes the most sense – we can compare it to the book series, explore the deeper themes around Dust etc. Watchmen is more of an unknown quantity – but if the season finale sticks the landing, maybe Watchmen will be the show we just have to discuss.

Once the Dust has settled from this onslaught of shows, we’ll hold a Patron ASOIAF topic vote – you might choose Euron’s eldritch apocalypse, Hardhome, Melisandre, the hooded man… GRRM seems optimistic for a 2020 Winds of Winter release – so we've only got so long to explore the existing books before a new installment changes everything..

Thanks for your support!




Larysa Jaworski

Ooooh, can't wait for the HDM Vid, I absolutely love that series. I started yelling at the TV when ASOIAF came out that someone needed to make HDM into a really good series (as opposed to tat movie attempt). I'm SO thrilled it's being done - well.


Have you thought about doing a video on 'Joker' when it gets released on digital? There's a lot of interesting stuff to talk about. Love your videos by the way.