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The Daynes are some of the most mysterious characters in ASOIAF – I hope this video helps bring some clarity and meaning 🙂

We’ve included artist credits on-screen, e.g. “art by Bella Bergolts” – are these too obtrusive, or distracting?

And what do you think of the title, “House Dayne: the most mysterious family in Game of Thrones?” Open to suggestions. Might just call it “House Dayne mysteries” or something.

There are some minor audio glitches in this version, they’ll be fixed for the public version.

Thanks for your support!



House Dayne: the most mysterious family in Game of Thrones? [early Patron release]

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I loved this! I had never really wondered so much about House Dayne before this video -- but you've changed all that! I can't wait for this to become public so I can share the hell out of it! :)

Paul Barry

I’ve been voting for the Dayne video for what feels like years! So glad it finally happened and how great it is. You really nailed this one...but then, you always do!