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We just held a final Season 8 Q&A livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4I-gspkFZE

Here's a playlist with all of the S8 livestreams:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6yDpEottdi4ezny3XOUy59gDfSOgKWV 

The S8E06 Explained video is coming – it's about a week away. We're taking the time to do this last video right. It'll cover the finale episode, and some overall thoughts on the series, and the future of Alt Shift X.

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Game of Thrones S8 final Q&A discussion

We're holding live Q&A discussions right after each episode of GOT S8, at ~10:30pm ET Sunday. Patrons can watch past streams: https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX/posts?tag=livestreams Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveZqqGewoyPiacooywP5Ig?sub_confirmation=1 Support on Patreon: http://bit.ly/ASXPatreon Twitter: http://bit.ly/ASXTwitter Merch: https://standard.tv/altshiftx Stream donations: https://streamlabs.com/altshiftx This is a review and discussion of GOT S8, using stills from the episode. This is fair use. [FAIR USE, stills only]


Alt Shift X

Here are all of the Season 8 livestreams in a YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6yDpEottdi4ezny3XOUy59gDfSOgKWV


Hey, ASX, hope things are swell. What are your feelings about Kingkiller Chronicles (in general, and as a candidate for future story vids)?

Alt Shift X

Haven't read it yet! Maybe in future. But for the moment, it makes sense to focus on the series currently being adapted for TV - Wheel of Time, Witcher, Watchmen, His Dark Materials, Lord of the Rings, Dune


Ah, well, two quick followups then: 1. the author of the series, Patrick Rothfuss, was heavily influenced by GRRM (incl. aesthetically—see overlapping fandom for beard comparisons) and, like GRRM, struggles to see projects to deadline (we’ve been waiting on his third/final novel of the series since 2011, sound familiar?). 2. His books are actually being adapted for TV and film as we speak! Lin-Manuel Miranda is one of the developers, as there’s a good bit of music in the series. Plus he’s a total Rothfuss fangirl. Worth being put on a future shortlist, I’d wager! Thanks for considering :-)