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What did you think of S8E03, The Long Night?

Here's the Q&A livestream for Patrons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOIKifAn0uM

Here's a playlist with all of the S8 livestreams:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6yDpEottdi4ezny3XOUy59gDfSOgKWV  

We're now working on the S8E03 Explained video 🙂



Game of Thrones S8E03 Q&A discussion

We're holding live Q&A discussions right after each episode of GOT S8, at about 10:30pm ET Sunday. Patrons can watch past streams: https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX/posts?tag=livestreams Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveZqqGewoyPiacooywP5Ig?sub_confirmation=1 Support on Patreon: http://bit.ly/ASXPatreon Twitter: http://bit.ly/ASXTwitter Merch: https://standard.tv/altshiftx Stream donations: https://streamlabs.com/altshiftx This is a review and discussion of GOT S8E03, using stills from the episode. This is fair use.



There is a Azor Ahai theory that Arya might possibly be the "third head of the dragon" The books give more detail about the prophecy, that the "Prince That Was Promised" might actually be three separate people (a reference to how the Targaryen sigil is a three-headed dragon, Azor Ahai might be a trinity of people), acting together to stop the White Walkers and end the Long Night. It seems heavily implied that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are two of these - but the identity of the third person is still unclear, and heavily debated by fans. For all we really know, Arya might actually be revealed as this "third" person prophesied to also be the Prince. It is also heavily implied that the Azor Ahai needs to be of the bloodline of House Targaryen. This part might not be strictly true for all three "heads of the dragon", as the prophecy refers to being connected to a thing called the Song of Ice and Fire (literally the title of the entire book series), thereby having to do with "both" ice and fire, not just one. Arya being the "third head of the dragon" would even it out: One third would be full Targaryen (Daenerys), therefore full "fire". One third would be full Stark (Arya), therefore full "ice". And one third would be an equal mix of both Stark and Targaryen (Jon), therefore half of both "ice and fire". The two families represent "ice and fire" coming together, and Arya would balance out Daenerys with Jon being in the middle.


I feel sorry for people who still think any complex theories are going to work out in the last, what, 160 minutes of the show? Guys don't waste your mental resources. The showrunners turned out to be just dumb, they couldn't support the story's architecture and are absolutely helpless (and hopeless) without Martin.


Absolutely! I'd be furious if this is the only conclusion we'll ever get in our lifetimes!