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So the Arya recap video will be out for Patrons in <24 hours.

And I've been experimenting with different editing styles. My concern is that sometimes, the transitions from one shot to another feel clunky and disorienting. So here's the first minute of the Arya video in a few different styles:

  • Normal classic vintage Shift: watch 
  • Faster Alt Swift X: watch 
  • Instant hard cuts: watch 

The Normal one is okay, but some parts like 0:58 and 0:36 feel jarring - you only get a moment to see the video clip before the transition moves elsewhere.

The Swift one tries to fix that problem by doubling the speed of the transitions, leaving more time to see the video clips.

The Instant one removes the transitions entirely, resembling more traditional editing. It'd be way easier to make videos this way, but without a giant mindmap feel, is it really Alt Shift X?

I think the best solution is to keep the Normal-style transitions, but be smarter about the timing of clips. I think the transitions feel better if the video motion pauses some time before the transition starts. And sometimes there just need to be fewer clips. So here's a subtly Improved version of the normal style: watch 

What do you think? Is the Improved one best? Do they all look the same? Are we focusing too much on tiny details? Yes, we are. But the video'll be great, and it's coming for Patrons soon !!





Paul Barry

Definately the original for me. I didn’t like the fast transitions, but was okay with the hard cuts. But must have the mindmap. Without that, it doesn’t feel ASX. And what would I use as my screen saver??

Alt Shift X

Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm glad the mindmap style is appreciated, because a heap of work goes into it